The Superintendent or designee shall prepare and maintain a list of qualified Substitute teachers for the Watertown School District. A person may be added to the substitute teaching list after completing an application, fingerprinting and/or interview process with the superintendent or designee. Substitute teachers shall be defined in two categories:

Substitute teachers shall be paid an hourly rate. Certified substitutes and non-certified substitutes to receive an hourly rate folloing the pay schedule (see below) as established at the July organizaional board meeting each year. For long term sub assignments which extend beyond 20 days, the substitite shall be paid at a higher rate per hour as established in the pay schedule. Fulltime teachers who choose to substitute during their planning time shall be compensated for that time. Substitutes who take an additional teaching assignment during the normal planning time of the teacher they are substituting for will receive an additional pay for that extra duty.


Substitutes for other personnel (classroom paraprofessionals, nutrition service, transportation, etc.) shall be paid at the appropriate hourly rate of the position ot whcih they are assigned. 


Substitute Pay Scale 2023-2024


 Hourly Rate


Daily Rate Equivalent


Certified Substitutes

 $          20.00


 $         160.00


Non-Certified Substitutes

 $          18.00


 $         144.00


Long Term Assignments

 $          21.50


 $         172.00


Substitute Planning Time

 $          13.50


Employee Planning Time

 $          20.00


Classified Substitutes

 Rate of position to which assigned